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oracle plsql if not found repeat

set verify off

accept project prompt ' project : '
select locknr,description,couserid,ciuserid from dgdtw_lockedinfo where     
description = '&project' and ciuserid is null;

accept lock prompt ' locknumber  : '

update dgdtw_lockedinfo set ciuserid = couserid where locknr = &lock;
update dgdtw_topografie set locknr = '' where locknr = &lock;
update dgdtw_topografie set verval=sysdate where id= &lock;

accept var prompt 'repeat process?  [Y/N] ? '
define doit = 'H:\Scripts\stop.sql'
column doit new_value doit noprint
set termout off
select 'H:\Scripts\unlock.sql' doit from dual where upper('&var') like 'Y%';
set termout on
start &doit. 

I need a loop script so if project is empty or wrong, the script asks to repeat or stop. Something like:

accept var prompt 'project number is wrong try again?  [Y/N] ? '

Until project number is correct or answer is "N"

The example below will immediately restart unlock.sql when there are no locks for that project, by redefining the call to unlock.sql as a call to empty.sql whenever at least one row is returned.

set verify off

accept project prompt ' project : '

define doit = 'H:\Scripts\unlock.sql'
column doit new_value doit noprint
select 'H:\Scripts\empty.sql' as doit, locknr,description,couserid,ciuserid from dgdtw_lockedinfo where     
description = '&project' and ciuserid is null;
start &doit. 

accept lock prompt ' locknumber  : '

update dgdtw_lockedinfo set ciuserid = couserid where locknr = &lock;
update dgdtw_topografie set locknr = '' where locknr = &lock;
update dgdtw_topografie set verval=sysdate where id= &lock;

accept var prompt 'repeat process?  [Y/N] ? '
define doit = 'H:\Scripts\stop.sql'
column doit new_value doit noprint
set termout off
select 'H:\Scripts\unlock.sql' doit from dual where upper('&var') like 'Y%';
set termout on
start &doit. 

As an improvement I suggest moving the repeat question into a separate SQL file then call that using an argument that tells it which script to restart (see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a90842/ch13.htm#1013716 )

For instance, from 'unlock.sql' call 'repeat.sql' like this:

start 'repeat.sql' unlock

with repeat.sql as something like this:

accept var prompt 'repeat &1 process?  [Y/N] ? '
define doit = 'H:\Scripts\stop.sql'
column doit new_value doit noprint
set termout off
select 'H:\Scripts\&1.sql' doit from dual where upper('&var') like 'Y%';
set termout on
start &doit. 

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