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pass bundle from recycleview adapter to activity

I want to pass a bundle on click of button to new activity. This is the code for bundle in the class adapter which extends recycleview adapter

private void passBundle (Vendor mItemSelected){
    mBundle = new Bundle();
    mBundle.putString("VENDOR_ID", mItemSelected.getVENDORID());
    mBundle.putString("CAT_ID", "" + mItemSelected.getVEN_TYPE());
    mBundle.putString("VENDOR_NAME", "" + mItemSelected.getVENDORNAME());
    mBundle.putString("CAT_ID", "" + mItemSelected.getVEN_TYPE());
    mBundle.putString("CAT_ID", "" + mItemSelected.getVEN_TYPE());
    mBundle.putString("VENDOR_AREA", "" + mItemSelected.getVENDORADDRESS());
    Intent in = new Intent(context,Chat_Activity.class);
    in.putExtra("Bundle", mBundle);

and this is the code where i retrieve the bundle data in another activity.

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    chatVenID = bundle.getString("VENDOR_ID", "");
    catID = bundle.getString("CAT_ID", "");
    vendorName = bundle.getString("VENDOR_NAME", "");
    vendorArea = bundle.getString("VENDOR_AREA","");

You can invoke

   Bundle bundle = getIntent().getBundleExtra("Bundle");
   chatVenID = bundle.getString("VENDOR_ID", "");

in onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) method; new Bunlde() will create a new bundle object, can't get pass value from prev activity.

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

In this code, you are creating a new object of Bundle, so you wont' get any values. Change it to


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