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how to modify list items one by one as soon as each one is loaded, when number of list items is unknow

I cannot use 'windlow.onload' or 'document.onload' also I don't know the number of list items, but I know the number is large. I want to modify list items one by one as soon as each one is loaded. I implemented the following code, but I feel like there might be a better solution. Any idea?

function func_loopOverList(){
  func_loopOverList.loadedCurr;//Current function call; number of loaded items
  func_loopOverList.loadedLast;//Last function call; number of loaded items

    for(var i = func_loopOverList.loadedLast; i < func_loopOverList.loadedCurr; i++){
      var element=document.getElementsByTagName("li")[i];
      //do things to element
    console.log("Happy End");

Slightly modified the code, change the dynamic "node list" returned by getElementsByTagName to an array - just so things don't get racey

function func_loopOverList() {
    function process() {
        var lis = document.getElementsByTagName("li");

        func_loopOverList.loadedCurr = lis.length;

        [].slice.call(lis, func_loopOverList.loadedLast || 0).forEach(function(element) {
            //do things to element

        func_loopOverList.loadedLast = func_loopOverList.loadedCurr;
    if (document.readyState !== "complete") {
        setTimeout(func_loopOverList, 15);
    } else {
        process(); // one more time - this may be redundant, but it wont hurt
        console.log("Happy End");

This uses array's forEach, just because, no real reason, I prefer it. You can do it with a for loop, but I just get the feeling that it's safer to work with a "copy" of the getElementsByTagName list (because it isn't a static list)

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