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The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context when creating new xaml file

I have searched for an answer to this question for a while so I hope that my instance can be solved. I created a new Xamarin.Forms shared projects in visual studio 2015 community. I created a new xaml file and name it and placed it in a folder named Pages in the shared app project. ,并将其放置在共享应用程序项目中名为Pages的文件夹中。 After adding the Xamarin.Forms namespace for it to recognize and removing 并将其删除 before I have this: 之前,我有这个:

using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace BeneFit.Pages

    public sealed partial class LoginPage : Page
        public LoginPage()
        InitializeComponent(); //This has the red squiggly

The Xaml file here has not been changed at all:


    <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">


One thing I have notice a lot is that the build action needs to be which I made sure of in this case. Also the suggested quick fix was to add this:

    private void InitializeComponent()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

which doesnt really solve the issue because I know I should have to do it. Any help or suggestions would be huge, ive been trying to deal with this for a while.

When you create a new control or page in XAML, a hidden partial class file is also generated behind the scenes, this holds your InitializeComponent() method. In the case of a page called LoginPage the generated code behind will be called LoginPage.gics , and it should reside in the folder structures under the obj folder.

Your XAML line


does look a bit funky, I would change that to


Go to each project folder (shared, .Android, .ios etc) and delete obj and bin folders (this will remove the hidden partial .g file)

Rebuild the solution.

Three checks to fulfill:

1 - Latest Xamarin Forms nuget installed same versions for all platforms

2 - For page.Xaml properties are :

   Build Action: Embedded Resource
   Copy to output dir: Do not copy
   Custom tool (most common error when created page manually): MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml

For page.cs properties are:

Build action: Compile
Copy to output dir: Do not copy

3 - Right-click project - Unload project, then reload project.

That looks like UWP XAML not Xamarin Forms XAML.

Are you creating the wrong new thing?

You should be creating a new Xamarin.Forms Content Page


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