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How to configure Azure storage credentials in perfkit?

I am trying to run "object_storage_service" benchmark of google perfkit against azure storage. I see that the documentation says to pass the credentials as part of a .boto file. But looks like this file can take aws credentials or gce credentials. How to pass in Azure credentials?

.\\pkb.py --cloud=Azure --machine_type=ExtraSmall --benchmarks=object_storage_service*

Once you've done this step https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/PerfKitBenchmarker#windows-azure-cli-and-credentials are you sure the object_storage_service benchmark won't work? I'm not familiar with perfkit but if a section for Azure credentials isn't included in the .boto file, maybe it's not needed.

No additional configurations are required foro conducting storage test as we have to do for aws or google cloud. storage related benchmarking failes due to a bug. You might be getting errors asking you to retry test at some other region.

"--zones" tag defines location for virtual machines only and "--object_storage_region" is the additional argument you need to provide to select the datacenter where storage related benchmarking needs to be done.

Here is little more explanation by Google cloud platform member.


I have successfully completed Azure Storage test with following arguments.

./pkb.py --cloud=Azure --benchmarks=object_storage_service -storage=Azure --zones="North Europe"  --object_storage_scenario=cli --object_storage_region="North Europe"

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