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Logstash failed to put logs to elasticsearch

I'm trying to setup ELK environment to analysis my logs.
All of 3 tools are in one server, the ip is
and here's my logstash config:

input {
  file {
    path => "/usr/local/websrv/tomcat/logs/catalina.out"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]

That works, however, when I changed hosts from [""] to [""] , errors happened. I got below messages from logstash.

Attempted to send a bulk request to Elasticsearch configured at '[" "]', but Elasticsearch appears to be unreachable or down! {:client_config=>{:hosts=>[" "], :ssl=>nil, :transport_options=>{:socket_timeout=>0, :request_timeout=>0, :proxy=>nil, :ssl=>{}}, :transport_class=>Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Manticore, :logger=>nil, :tracer=>nil, :reload_connections=>false, :retry_on_failure=>false, :reload_on_failure=>false, :randomize_hosts=>false}, :error_message=>"Connection refused", :class=>"Manticore::SocketException", :level=>:error}

Could some one advise? Thanks a lot.

If you're using ES 2.0, this is because ES binds to localhost by default .

In order to change that, you simply need to change the following settings in your elasticsearch.yml configuration file and restart ES:


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