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C# JSON.Net Serialize Dictonnary issues with decode in PHP

I am looking for a way to get this

  "parameters": {
    "object1": {
      "propertie1": "value",
      "propertie2": "value"
    "object2": {
      "propertie1": "value",
      "propertie2": "value"

C# i got an object like this

public class MyObject
    public Dictionnary<string, List < KeyValuePai < string, object > > > parameters = new Dictionnary<string, List < KeyValuePai < string, object > > >();

I add data like this in this dictionnary :

MyObject.AddParameters("object1", new List < KeyValuePair < string, object > > {
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie1", "value"),
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie2", "value"),
MyObject.AddParameters("object2", new List < KeyValuePair < string, object > > {
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie1", "value"),
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie2", "value"),

Put when i decode my serialized object in php i got :

  "parameters": {
    "object1": [
        "Key": "propertie1",
        "Value": "value"
        "Key": "propertie2",
        "Value": "value"
"object2": [
            "Key": "propertie1",
            "Value": "value"
            "Key": "propertie2",
            "Value": "value"

How can i get the correct format from the JSON.Net serialization?

You'll need to add the data in C# in the form that you want.

The way you add data now, will indeed convert to that output.

You'll need something like this in C#:

MyObject.AddParameters("object1", new List < KeyValuePair < string, object > > {
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie1", "value"),
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie2", "value"),

MyObject.AddParameters("object2", new List < KeyValuePair < string, object > > {
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie1", "value"),
    new KeyValuePair < String, object >("propertie2", "value"),


A better way is to let the JsonConvert.Serialize do his job but insted of set a List<KeyValuePair> as parameter i pass an object.

Code is now

public class MyObject
    public Dictionnary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionnary<string,object>();

And adding data to paremeters like this

MyObject.AddParameters("object1", new {
    propertie1 ="value",
    propertie2 = "value",
MyObject.AddParameters("object2", new {
    propertie1 ="value",
    propertie2 = "value",

Now the serialized Dictionnary as the format expected.

Original answer :

Got it with 21021655 question.

Need to write my own Converter like said in answer

class MyConverter : JsonConverter
    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> list = value as List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>;
        foreach (var item in list)

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        // TODO...

    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return objectType == typeof(List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>);

And return this result [{"one":1},{"two":2},{"three":3}]

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