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Maven: Assemble Child Project (module) In Multi Module Project

The following setup:

 |- parentpom
 |   |- projectApom
 |   |- projectBpom
 |   |- other projects poms
 |- other projects poms

Each project in the hierarchy is bound by using <module> tag on its parent pom as well the parent being specified by the <parent> tag.

ProjectA and ProjectB both specify the assembly plugin using the fragment:


Now I go to the directory of the rootpom and execute:

mvn --projects parent/projectB compile assembly:single

The problem is now that projectB depends on A (and some others) so using this command assembly:single will be applied to all the projects.

So the question goes how can I compile multiple projects (dependencies) and only assemble a single one (the last)?

Simple: don't use assembly:single on the command line but bind an execution of the maven-assembly-plugin to a particular phase for the project you want.

If you only want to assemble only project B then in B's POM, you would have:


This way, running mvn --projects parent/projectB clean package will package only B.

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