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retrieve multiple objects from one which is array of objects in mongodb

I using mongodb to save my user data along with array. My question is how to retrieve multiple objects that matches the given value in that user array.like this:

    _id: { objid:'0000000000000' },
    userId: 'abc',
    userItems : [
            itemName: 'mango',
            date: 24,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016
            itemName: 'apple',
            date: 24,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016
            itemName: 'orange',
            date: 22,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016
            itemName: 'vanilla',
            date: 23,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016

and expeccted result is

    _id: { objid: '0000000000000' },
    userId: 'abc',
    userItems: [
            itemName: 'mango',
            date: 24,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016
            itemName: 'apple',
            date: 24,
            month: 1,
            year: 2016

I want all the element that matches the date,month,year from this userId userItems array please help me out from this

We can find result by aggregation framework.

     $unwind : "$userItems" 
      $match: {
        "userItems.date" : 24, 
        "userItems.month" : 1, 
        "userItems.year" : 2016
      $group: {
         "_id" : { "id":"$_id","userId":"$userId"},
         "userItems" : {$push:"$userItems"}
          "_id": "$_id.id", 
          "userId": "$_id.userId",
          "userItems": 1 
      nameOfArrayYouarelookingIn: {
         $elemMatch: {
            ArrayFieldOneName: 1,
            ArrayFieldTwoName: 'blahblah'

See $elemMatch documentation for more details and examples.

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