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c++ how do i get the current console conhost process

i have searched on so many websites after "how i get the conhost process" , and nothing is really what i'm looking for.

i have searched on.

and i can't find anything about "how to get the conhost process" .

i have some code that works for the current "cmd.exe / program.exe" and that gives me the "PID, NAME, PATH, READ/WRITE ADDRESS" .

i can get the parent process but that is not conhost.exe .

code "need to link library 'psapi' first" :

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

int PrintModules(DWORD processID) {
    HMODULE hMods[1024];
    HANDLE hProcess;
    DWORD cbNeeded;
    unsigned int i;

    printf( "\nProcess ID: %u\n", processID);

    if(NULL == hProcess) return 1;

    if(EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hMods, sizeof(hMods), &cbNeeded)) {
        for(i = 0; i < (cbNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE)); i++) {
            TCHAR szModName[MAX_PATH];

            if(GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hMods[i], szModName,sizeof(szModName) / sizeof(TCHAR))) {
                _tprintf( TEXT("  %s (0x%08X)\n"), szModName, hMods[i]);


    return 0;

int main(void) {
    DWORD cpid = GetCurrentProcessId();

    int ppid = -1;
    HANDLE h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { 0 };
    pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
    if(Process32First(h, &pe)) {
        do {
            if(pe.th32ProcessID == cpid) {
                printf("PID: %i; PPID: %i\n", cpid, pe.th32ParentProcessID);
                ppid = pe.th32ParentProcessID;
        } while(Process32Next(h, &pe));
    return 0;

and i can't figure out a way to get the current conhost process.

when you open a program that uses the console, a conhost.exe process is created. and my question is how do i get that conhost.exe process...

Thanks! :)

One method that comes to mind is to obtain the start time of the CMD.EXE process. Then iterate through all of the CONHOST processes looking for the same (or very close) start time.

As a proof of concept download and install Process Explorer. Find your CMD.EXE process in ProcExp, then look at Properties, Image tab. Note the start time. Then look through each CONHOST process looking for one that starts at the same time.

Note that ProcExp displays 1 second resolution, but whatever underlying API ProcExp uses probably has better resolution.

You may need to google some to get an idea what API(s) ProcExp uses to gather the process start time. Additionally there are a variety of tools you can use to see what APIs an executable (ProcExp in this case) import. You may be able to deduce from the API names that ProcExp imports which one(s) would provide a process' start time.

In case you still need it (after reading the comments), here's a piece of code that gets the conhost.exe processes. Please note that I only wrote it for demonstrative purposes (to check whether [MSDN]: Tool Help Functions can be used for this scenario), so don't mind its structure or other coding NO-NO s.

code.c :

#include <Windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    DWORD pid = 0, i = 0, cPid = 0;
    PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;
    BOOL res = FALSE;
    char c = 0;
    if (argc > 1) {
        pid = atoi(argv[1]);
    } else {
        pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
    printf("PID: %d\n", pid);
    snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, pid);
    if (snap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        printf("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return -1;
    pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
    res = Process32First(snap, &pe32);
    if (res == FALSE) {
        printf("Process32First failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return -2;
    do {
        if (_tcscmp(pe32.szExeFile, TEXT("conhost.exe")) == 0) {
            _tprintf(TEXT("    Idx: %02d  PID: %5d  PPID: %5d  Name: %s\n"), i++, pe32.th32ProcessID, pe32.th32ParentProcessID, pe32.szExeFile);
            if (pe32.th32ParentProcessID == pid) {
                cPid = pe32.th32ProcessID;
    } while ((res = Process32Next(snap, &pe32)));

    if ((proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, cPid)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        printf("OpenProcess failed: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return -3;
    printf("Conhost handle: 0x%08X\n", proc);

    printf("Press a key to exit...\n");
    c = getch();
    return 0;

Output (as a VStudio 2010 , Console App ( Debug - x86 ) on Win 10 ):

 e:\\Work\\Dev\\StackOverflow\\q035102238>ver Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.48] e:\\Work\\Dev\\StackOverflow\\q035102238>"Debug\\q035102238.exe" PID: 22388 Idx: 00 PID: 19892 PPID: 20164 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 01 PID: 21128 PPID: 21120 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 02 PID: 1144 PPID: 20572 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 03 PID: 8184 PPID: 19572 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 04 PID: 10976 PPID: 20608 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 05 PID: 21284 PPID: 8792 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 06 PID: 8172 PPID: 20444 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 07 PID: 4396 PPID: 19484 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 08 PID: 12484 PPID: 2580 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 09 PID: 18636 PPID: 11552 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 10 PID: 21456 PPID: 21016 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 11 PID: 960 PPID: 3528 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 12 PID: 20616 PPID: 18404 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 13 PID: 21548 PPID: 21528 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 14 PID: 20192 PPID: 8316 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 15 PID: 2496 PPID: 9284 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 16 PID: 5820 PPID: 23140 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 17 PID: 6032 PPID: 26512 Name: conhost.exe Connhost handle: 0x00000000 Press a key to exit... 

So, it is possible to enumerate all running conhost.exe processes, and also get PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to the one associated with my current application (I have to mention here that my Win user has full administrative privileges).

@EDIT0 :

  • As @BladeMight noticed, on Win 7 all conhost.exe processes are children of crss.exe (as it can be also seen in ProcExp )

Output :

 c:\\Work\\Dev\\StackOverflow\\q035102238>ver Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] c:\\Work\\Dev\\StackOverflow\\q035102238>q035102238.exe PID: 1548 Idx: 00 PID: 4960 PPID: 3472 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 01 PID: 5024 PPID: 3472 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 02 PID: 5076 PPID: 3472 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 03 PID: 2676 PPID: 3472 Name: conhost.exe Idx: 04 PID: 1888 PPID: 3472 Name: conhost.exe Connhost handle: 0x00000000 Press a key to exit... 

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