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Generate CSV(MS-DOS) file using Java

File file = new File("F:\\New Projcts\\Ex\\hello.csv");

It generate only .CSV(Comma delimited) but not in .CSV(MS-DOS)

how to create .CSV(MS-DoS) file in java

I assume that your issue is about the charset and not about the choice of CSV pattern. In Java, output stream uses the default charset, ie dixit Charset.defaultCharset() javadoc: the default charset is determined during virtual-machine startup and typically depends upon the locale and charset of the underlying operating system.

Unless you are working with a very old MSDOS os, it'd never be the case. The charset has to be specified with something like:

OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(
            new FileOutputStream("FileFromNonJavaProgram.txt"), "Cp850" /* MS-DOS Latin-1 */);

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