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How to make a tree from a flat array - php

I am trying to represent the whole array returned from Amazon S3 bucket in a tree structure one can browse.

The array example is following

$files[0] = 'container/798/';
$files[1] = 'container/798/logo.png';
$files[2] = 'container/798/test folder/';
$files[3] = 'container/798/test folder/another folder/';
$files[4] = 'container/798/test folder/another folder/again test/';
$files[5] = 'container/798/test folder/another folder/test me/';
$files[6] = 'container/798/test two/';
$files[7] = 'container/798/test two/logo2.png';

and this is what i am trying to achieve


so far i have only achieved differing the files and folder but not on different level with parent-child relation. The above mentioned array resides in $keys['files']. The code is following

$keys = json_decode($result,true);
$folders = array();
$files = array();
$i =0;
foreach ($keys['files'] as $key){
    if(endsWith($key, "/")){
        $exploded = explode('container/'.$_SESSION['id_user'].'/',$key);
        $folders[$i]['name'] = substr($exploded[1],0,-1);
        $exploded = explode('container/'.$_SESSION['id_user'].'/',$key);
        $files[$i]['name'] = $exploded[1];
        $files[$i]['size'] = "";
        $files[$i]['date'] = "";
        $files[$i]['preview_icon'] = "";
        $files[$i]['dimensions'] = "";
        $files[$i]['url'] = "";

This is code just to show i am trying but its not complete or accurate. I don't know how to approach a logic that can give me the hierarchy i am showing the picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know if this is the 'correct' way to do this, but if you want to make a recursive structure, then the easy way is to use a recursive function:

$root = array('name'=>'/', 'children' => array(), 'href'=>'');

function store_file($filename, &$parent){

    if(empty($filename)) return;

    $matches = array();

    if(preg_match('|^([^/]+)/(.*)$|', $filename, $matches)){

        $nextdir = $matches[1];

            $parent['children'][$nextdir] = array('name' => $nextdir,
                'children' => array(),
                'href' => $parent['href'] . '/' . $nextdir);

        store_file($matches[2], $parent['children'][$nextdir]);
    } else {
        $parent['children'][$filename] = array('name' => $filename,
            'size' => '...', 
            'href' => $parent['href'] . '/' . $filename);

foreach($files as $file){
    store_file($file, $root);

Now, every element of root['children'] is an associative array that hash either information about a file or its own children array.

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