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mkdir path error - Trying to concatenate strings

I am trying to just make a directory, but I cannot figure it out. I am trying to make a template so I want everything in the program to reference the form name. I am using Powershell Studio to write this program.

This does not work (Desired method):

$FormName = $formChangeMe.Text | out-string
$PATHDIR = ($env:USERPROFILE + "\AppData\Local\Tools\" + $FormName)
md -Force $PATHDIR

Output from $PATHDIR returns C:\\Users\\Username\\AppData\\Local\\Tools\\ChangeMe but it wont make the directory.

This does work:

$PATHDIR = "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Tools\ChangeMe"
md -Force $PATHDIR

I cant see why the one works and the other doesn't. I don't think I understand when to use () vs '' vs "" .

$FormName = ($formChangeMe.Text | out-string).Trim() -感谢Matt!

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