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How to add condition for List type in TypedQuery

I have entity with following attributes:

@Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
public class MyTable {
  @OneToMany(mappedBy = "mytable", cascade = ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
  private List<MyAnotherTable> otherTableValues = new ArrayList<MyAnotherTable>();

Now I am trying to write HSQL as

TypedQuery<Share> q =
            getEntityManager().createQuery("SELECT MyTable FROM MyTable AS mytable WHERE " +
                    "mytable.someField=:firstParam AND mytable.secondField IS NOT NULL AND " +
                   // "AND mytable.otherTableValues"
                   , Share.class);
    q.setParameter(firstParam, firstVal);
    return q.getResultList();

So not sure how to put consition on otherTableValues as it is list type. Any suggestion?

You have to join the collection:

FROM MyTable AS mytable join mytable.otherTableValues AS otv
WHERE mytable.someField = :firstParam
  AND mytable.secondField IS NOT NULL
  AND otv.someOtherField = :someOtherField

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