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How To Load CSV File Data On HighChart?

I am trying to using highchart library into Xcode for showing chart In mobile application. Objective C to calling highchart library. For data load I have Included local .CSV file Into Xcode. Now If I am using below code to read the data from CSV file, I cant print the data and chart data also not loading.

My Code Below

$(function () {

  $.get('data.csv', function(data) {

            // Create the chart
            $('#container').highcharts('StockChart', {

                   rangeSelector : {
                     selected : 1

                   title : {
                         text : ''

                   rangeSelector : {
                         enabled : false

                   scrollbar : {
                         enabled : false

                   navigator : {
                         enabled : false

                   plotOptions: {
                       line: {animation: true},
                       series: {
                           marker: {
                           enabled: true,
                           fillColor: '#FFFFFF',
                           lineWidth: 2,
                           symbol: 'url()'
                           enableMouseTracking: true

                   series : [{
                             name : 'AAS Stock Price',
                             /*data : [
                             tooltip: {
                             valueDecimals: 2
 data: {
        csv: data // data is your param you set in get csv call



refer Documentation here

For loading data directly from CSV file you should add Highcharts data module and then set the data like:

$.get('data.csv', function(csv) {
        chart: {
            type: 'column'
        data: {
            csv: csv
        title: {
            text: 'Fruit Consumption'
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Units'

More info about data module can be found in Highchars Docs - here .

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