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TextWriter Object not writing full document

Hi I have a huge document which I have to read line by line using C# in .NET. Then perform a operation, and then write that line again.

I am testing the code with a smaller file, the actual file contains 992.482 lines. I have tried the following code to test:

while (!scenFile.EndOfStream)
{   writer.WriteLine(scenFile.ReadLine().ToString();

And I could only write 992.474. Then i tried using writer.Flush();

System.IO.TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(filepath);
StreamReader scenFile = new StreamReader(filepath2);

while (!scenFile.EndOfStream)
{   (here will go my do-something-function)
          blah blah

Then, I got all the lines. After inserting this line in the code, I checked, that the only way in that I could obtain is by typing "writer.Flush();" in every iteration. I have tried to insert it in a loop so that I use "writer.Flush();" every certain number of iterations, I have tried numbers from 50 to 500.000, and I can't get all the lines.

The problem is that I will have to perform the operation with a file which is 30 times the actual file, and I need to do it as fast as possible. Does anyone knows why is this and if there is any solution?

Thanks in advance

You don't need to to flush the stream twice. You should be able to just flush it before the close...

while (!scenFile.EndOfStream)
{   (here will go my do-something-function)
  blah blah

Are you saying that somehow this didn't work?


In C# Flush() won't only free the memory reserved for the buffer. It will also "writes it to the underlying stream" ( StreamWriter.Flush() ). Therefore what I did was just calling $writer.Flush() right after the $while .

This is my final solution will be

    System.IO.TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(filepath);
    StreamReader scenFile = new StreamReader(filepath2);
    int count = 0;
    while (!scenFile.EndOfStream)
    {   (here will go my do-something-function)
      blah blah
     count ++;
     if(count == 500000)
         count = 0;

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