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Excel PivotTables with Dynamic field names

I need to complete a large number of pivottable formula using criteria/fieldnames that are above/to left of cells. The base, static formula is as follows:

=GETPIVOTDATA("BDGT",'Pipeline PVT'!$A$6,"FiscalQuarter","FY16-Q3","AreaName","Western Europe")

I want to grab the value field (BDGT in this example) from the formula heading, which will be BDGT. But when I replace "BDGT" with a cell reference (ie: A4), I get #REF.

Any ideas why this is not working?

=GETPIVOTDATA(A4 & "",'Pipeline PVT'!$A$6,"FiscalQuarter","FY16-Q3","AreaName","Western Europe")

A4之后的& ""是重要的位...

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