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ternary foreach nested within if / else

I was wondering how I can rewrite the following using ternary within ternary or within alternative syntax.

$tags = get_the_tags();
if (!empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        echo $tag->name . ', ';
} else {
    echo 'foobar';

No such thing as ternary foreach. You can however make your conditional statement ternary like this

echo empty($tags) ? 'foobar' :
implode(', ',array_map(create_function('$o', 'return $o->name;'),$tags)) ;



foo, bar, John


We create a closure that returns an array of the name property of all your tags then simply implode it like you want. If tags are empty we show foobar , all in one line.

Solution with array_reduce :

echo (empty($tags))? 'foobar': array_reduce($tags, function($prev, $item){
    return $prev.(($prev)? ", " : "").$item->name;
}, "");

// the output:
bob, john, max


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