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Maven uses old version of pom.xml

I've just started using Maven for one of my Java projects. It took me a few edits to get Maven to accept the pom.xml but I finally got it working. However, to my surprise it still uses an older version of the pom.xml !

The thing is that I can't even find it in the project's directory. I used Notepad++ for all my edits. When I open pom.xml it's the correct (latest) version. When I look into the JAR with jd-gui , it's the previous version that Maven was complaining about. This makes no sense. I tried deleting everything in the target directory and running 'maven clean' to no avail.

Here's the current pom.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">



            <!-- Prepares Agent JAR before test execution -->



The only way I've been able to force Maven to use the latest version of pom.xml is to copy the whole project to a different directory. I want to understand this mystery. Any ideas?


Here's how the JAR looks after mvn package . Note that this one has the correct pom.xml because I changed the root directory. JD-GUI中的JAR视图

If you deleted everything, then the next copy of the jar file built should contain the at-that-time current pom.xml file.

However, if you are actually loading the JAR file out of the ~/.m2/repo cache, then you need to do a maven install to update the cache, and then the projects that use that JAR will get the last installed version.

I suggest you to take a look here to find out where your pom.xml should be located inside your folder structure.

Another important thing is to understand how your folders structure should be; for this, please take a look here .

Basically, you should have something like this:

+ Project Folder
+ src
   + main
       + java
           + {here goes your package, classes, etc.}
                      + com
                          + sample
                               + HelloWorld.java
+ pom.xml

Also it's important, that you can have poms inheriting from other Poms and you also could have aggregation to group several poms on a project, check this to get more info.

Also, I will suggest you to use a IDE instead just Notepad++, such IntelliJ or Eclipse ; both have Maven Integration.

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