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return a delayed nested promise in node.js

I am using Google geocoding in my code. I have to geocode about 50 places, but Google doesn't allow to geocode so many places at the same time, generating a 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' error. So I want do delay the geocoding for few seconds when I exceed the quota. I have a function geocode() that returns a promise . When I exceed quota, I want to recursively call itself.

This is my not-working code:

function geocodeAll(addresses)
   for (addr in addresses)
               {/* I don't always get here */}

function geocode(address)
 var deferred = Q.defer();
 geocoder.geocode(address, function ( err, geoData ) 
         if (err)
            { deferred.reject(err);}
             if (geoData.status=="OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" )
                 { // doh! quota exceeded, delay the promise
                      }, 1000);
                    { // everything ok
                     var coord = {'lat':geoData.lat, 'lng':geoData.lng};              

  return deferred.promise; 

UPDATE [solved]

actually the code is right. I had an uncaughtException not related to the delay. Using Q.all([..]).then().catch() I found it

Your code seems to work fine. The only issue i see with your code is that you are using lat and lng out of scope. But you may have written that correctly and you're just not including the code. I suspect though that you may have been using the two in error. Should those have been geoData.lat and geoData.lng ?

var coord = { 'lat': geoData.lat, 'lng': geoData.lng };



I think your problem might have to do with your geocodeAll function implementation.

function geocodeAll(addresses)
   for (addr in addresses)
      geocode(addresses[addr]) /* This seems error prone to me!  Try keeping track of all your promises.*/
               {/*You only get here if there was no error returned from the geo request to the api. */}

Keep track using Q.all ,

function geocodeAll(addresses) {
  var promises = addresses.map(geocode); 
  for (addr in addresses) {
         .catch(console.log.bind(console)) /* handle your error however you see fit*/
  return Q.all(promises).then(function(results) {
     var firstCord = results[0];
     var secondCord = results[1];

Or you can additionally handle the success/fail using Q.allSettled

function geocodeAll(addresses) {
      var promises = addresses.map(geocode);
      return Q.allSettled(promises).then(function (results) {
        var success = [], fail = [];
        results.forEach(function (result) {
          if (result.state === "fulfilled") {
          } else {
        return { coords: success, errors: fail };


Code looks good. Perhaps geocoder.geocode or something else is erring. Try setting:

window.onerror = (err) => console.error(err)


process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => console.error(err))

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