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how can I get response returned by Plaid api using script

I am trying to connect to the Plaid api using Ruby. But I am trying to connect it using <script> tag. I have successfully connected to their api and there is a json object returned in the response as I can see it in browser's console. But I am unable to get it in my code. My code is

    <%= form_for :user, method: :get, :html => { :id => "link-form-id" } do |f| %>
<% end %>


This code returns json object in url as well. I dont understand how can I get it from <script> tag. I have searched all over the web but couldn't get any useful stuff. Can you please help me to find this out. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks

由于表单的方法是“ GET”,因此您需要解析查询字符串以检索“格子链接” public_token(因此,您将需要在查询字符串中查找“ public_token”字段)。

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