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Vtiger CRM REST API using Spring RestTemplate

I am trying to create a Java wrapper for Vtiger REST API. I want to avoid the use of vtwsclib library because I could not find its Maven artifact. I want to use Spring RestTemplate . Actually, I don't understand why I need some special library to access REST API of a webservice.

First a got into problem with login process. Even when I followed the instructions from this link, I was not be able to retrieve sessionName . Finally, I resolved it after some research of vtwsclib library.

Next problem is with the retrieve operation. Even when I had sessionName and tried to retrieve some object by id with request (a ticket I can see in client app)

GET .../webservice.php?operation=retrieve&sessionName=xxxxx&id=xxxxx 

I got:

{"success":false,"error":{"code":"ACCESS_DENIED","message":"Permission to perform the operation is denied for id"}}

Last problem is documentation, even when I visited their wiki Vtiger WIKI I could not find attributes of Ticket entity to create fields map.

So the work with this API is a bit painful for me. My questions are:

  1. Is there some tutorial how to obtain sessionName using only Spring RestTemplate?

  2. Why retrieve operation failed? update: bad id format

  3. This is the main question. Is there some better documentation (tutorial, blog, file, ect.) for Vtiger REST API and descriptions of objects like Ticket?

I am also using Spring RestTemplate for Vtiger rest api.

For Retrieving details of record using REST API we need to pass id as moduleId x recordID (2x1234) format, otherwise it will give ACCESS_DENIED Error

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