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Is there any difference in performance to declare a large variable inside a function as `static`?

Not sure if this has already been asked before. While answering this very simple question , I asked myself the following instead. Consider this:

void foo()
    int i{};
    const ReallyAnyType[] data = { item1, item2, item3,
        /* many items that may be potentially heavy to recreate, e.g. of class type */ };
    /* function code here... */

Now in theory, local variables are recreated every time control reaches function, right? Ie look at int i above - it's going to be recreated on the stack for sure. What about the array above? Can a compiler be as smart as to optimize its creation to occur only once, or do I need a static modifier here anyway? What about if the array is not const ? (OK, if it's not const , there probably i snot sense in creating it only once, since re-initialization to the default state may be required between calls due to modifications being made during function execution.)

Might sound like a basic question, but for some reason I still ponder. Also, ignore the "why would you want to do this" - this is just a language question, not applied to a certain programming problem or design. I mean both C and C++ here. Should there be differences between the two regarding this question, please outline those.

There a two questions here, I think:

  • Can a compiler optimize a non- static const object to be effectively static so that it is only created once; and

  • Is it a reasonable expectation that a given compiler will do so.

I think the answer to the second question is "No", because I don't see the point of doing a huge amount of control flow analysis to save the programmer the trouble of typing the word static . However, I've often been surprised what optimizations people spend their time writing (as opposed to the optimizations which I think they should be working on :-) ). All the same, I would strongly recommend using the word static if that's what you wanted.

For the first question, there are circumstances under which the compiler could perform the optimization based on the "as-if" rule, but in very few cases would it work out.

First of all, if any object or subobject in the initializer has a non-trivial constructor/destructor, then the construction/destruction is visible, and this is not an example of copy elision. (This paragraph is C++ only, of course.)

The same would be true if any computation in the initializer list has visible side-effects.

And it should go without saying that if any subobject's value is not constant, the computation of that subobject would need to be done on each construction.

If the object and all subobjects are trivially copyable, all the initializer-list computations are constant, and the only construction cost is that of copying from a template into the object, then the compiler still couldn't perform the optimization if there is any chance that the addresses of more than one live instance of the object might be simultaneously visible. For example, if the function were recursive, and the object's address was used somewhere (hard to avoid for an array), then there would be the possibility that the addresses of two of these objects from different recursive invocations of the function might be compared. And they would have to compare unequal, since they are in fact separate objects. (And, now that I think of it, the function would not even need to be recursive in a multi-threaded environment.)

So the burden of proof for a compiler wishing to optimize that object into a single static instance is quite high. As I said, it may well be that a given compiler actually attempts to perform that task, but I definitely wouldn't expect it to.

The compiler would almost certainly do whatever is deemed most optimal, but most likely it will have it in read-only memory and turn your local variable into a pointer that points to the array in read-only memory. This assumes your array is equivalent to a POD type (or a class composed of POD types; if your class does something non-trivial and/or modifies other things, there is no way the compiler can fairly do this optimization).

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