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Singly Linked List c++

I'm trying to understand Singly Linked List by reading some codes and making sense out of it. This code, found on this site http://www.sanfoundry.com/cpp-program-implement-single-linked-list/ , has

struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;

} *start;

I understand what int info and struct node *next does, but what does the extra *start mean after closing the brackets?


start is a variable of type struct node* - my guess is it is the head of the list.

If you find it easier to split the type and the variable:

struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;


struct node* start;

Since this is C++ you can also simplify to node* start;

    struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;


Think of the above as just a template for something you will be using in future.

So when you want to structure your data using the above struct you will need to define a variable or instantiate the struct in memory as shown below

Something like

struct node mynode;
struct node* mynodeptr = new node;

To answer your subsequent question the above can be done wheresoever you need a node variable instantiated. So yes it doesn't have to be always done the way it was done in your original question.

As for typedef ing a struct there's a good discussion on why you would use it. Take a look here

It is a variable of type struct node. It is used as the head of the linked list.Many times reference to traverse in the linked list. Hope this helps.

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