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python-markdown doesn't recognize code block?

I'm working on a script to transfer Markdown to HTML, I've tried both markdown and markdown2 . As I use MathJax to make it able to show math formulas in LaTex, I found markdown is better for me than markdown2 . However, both of them don't recognize code blocks in ``` . My code is written in Python .

My Markdown code is:



from math import log

def calcShannonEnt(dataSet):
   numEntries = len(dataSet) #类别个数
   labelCount = {}
   for featVec in dataSet: #对每一条数据
       currentLabel = featVec[-1] #currentLabel为当前数据的类别
       if currentLabel not in labelCount.keys(): #计数
           labelCount[currentLabel] = 0
       labelCount[currentLabel] += 1
   shannonEnt = 0.0
   for key in labelCount.keys():
       prob = float(labelCount[key]) / float(numEntries)
       shannonEnt -= prob * float(log(prob,2))#计算香农熵
   return shannonEnt



- 调用的数据必须储存在列表中,且所有列表元素有相同长度
- 列表元素的最后一列为类别


I hope those Chinese characters don't bother you. The HTML code is :


from math import log

def calcShannonEnt(dataSet):
   numEntries = len(dataSet) #类别个数
   labelCount = {}
   for featVec in dataSet: #对每一条数据
       currentLabel = featVec[-1] #currentLabel为当前数据的类别
       if currentLabel not in labelCount.keys(): #计数
           labelCount[currentLabel] = 0
       labelCount[currentLabel] += 1
   shannonEnt = 0.0
   for key in labelCount.keys():
       prob = float(labelCount[key]) / float(numEntries)
       shannonEnt -= prob * float(log(prob,2))#计算香农熵
   return shannonEnt



- 调用的数据必须储存在列表中,且所有列表元素有相同长度
- 列表元素的最后一列为类别


What's the problem?

With the help of @Waylan the problem has been solved perfectly. It is because I didn't enable the extensions. See extensions

Now it is right:

html_txt = markdown.markdown(post.body_markdown, extensions=['fenced_code'])

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