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how do I pause then resume a Ruby script if any key is pressed?

I want to pause a Ruby script if any key is pressed, then later resume if any key is pressed. How do I do that? For example, here is a code snippet that doesn't work:

pause = false

Thread.new do
  loop do
    if $stdin.ready? and $stdin.getc
      puts "got #{s}"
      pause ^= true # toggle pause variable
  end # loop do
end # Thread.new

loop do
  next if pause == true
  # do stuff if not paused
end # loop do

First do require 'io/console' Only works in Ruby >= 2.0

pause = false

while STDIN.getch != "\r"
 if pause == true
    puts "do something"
  pause = !pause

This will resume the code for every key press alternatively.

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