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How to Declare a typed Dictionary of Dictionaries in Swift?

I have a Swift.Dictionary structure like

let tests:[ [String:Any] ] = [
            [ "f" : test1, "on" : true ],
            [ "f" : test2, "on" : false ],
            [ "f" : test3, "on" : false ],
            [ "f" : test4, "on" : false ],
            [ "f" : test5, "on" : false ]

where f is a closure of type ()->() and on is a Bool . I'm using this to enumerate and eval the closure based on the on value:

for (_, test) in tests.enumerate() {
        if test["on"] as! Bool {
            let f:()->()=test["f"] as! ()->();

How to explicitly declare this Swift.Dictionary structure in order to avoid to unwrap and to force convert with as! :

let f:()->()=test["f"] as! ()->();

This is a very inappropriate use of a dictionary. Make an array of tuples, or even an array of a lightweight struct devised for just this purpose, ie to carry a closure-Bool pair.

Does this work? Also it looks a lot cleaner.

typealias MyClosure = (() -> ())
typealias MyTuple = (f: MyClosure, on: Bool)

let tests: [MyTuple] = [ etc...

for item in tests {
    if item.on {
        let f = item.f

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