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Mapper decorators in Nest not found by compiler

I am not able to find a way to use of decorators ElasticProperty and ElasticType mentioned in the documentation . They are nowhere to be found in the Library and it crash at compile time.

Demo code:

    Name = "elasticsearchprojects2",
    DateDetection = true,
    NumericDetection = true,
    SearchAnalyzer = "standard",
    IndexAnalyzer = "standard",
    DynamicDateFormats = new[] { "dateOptionalTime", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z||yyyy/MM/dd Z" }
public class ElasticSearchProject
    public int Id { get; set;  }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    [ElasticProperty(OmitNorms = true, Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed)]
    public string Country { get; set; }

Based on what I have just reviewed, it seems that NEST API has changed these attributes/decorators by ElasticSearchType and ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase respectively. Please verify it

The current documentation of Nest is out of date but the team is currently working hard to update it. For now we have this article about Nest 2.0 breaking changes that explains the changes in the API:

Renamed Types

  • class AggregationDescriptor`1
  • class AggregationContainerDescriptor`1

  • class AliasRequest

  • class BulkAliasRequest

  • class AllFieldMapping

  • class AllField

  • class AllocateClusteRerouteCommand

  • class AllocateClusterRerouteCommand

  • class AnalysisSettings

  • class Analysis

  • class AndFilter

  • class AndQuery

  • class AverageAggregator

  • class AverageAggregation

... Body limit reached when pasting all the changes

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