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How to pass multiple array of Id in where condition codeigniter?

I want to pass multiple id in where condition how to do it?

A query fetches org_id from database.

now I want to pass that in my where condition, so how to do it?

I tried foreach loop:

Below is my code :

$devices =  $this->activation_m->get_activated_devices();

    $org_id = array(); // create org_id array
        foreach ($devices as $row)

         $org_id[]= $row['org_id']; // assign ids into array

            //$companys =$this->data['devices'] = $this->activation_m->get_company($org_id); // don't call again and again

     //Now $org_id is array

    $companys =$this->data['devices'] = $this->activation_m->get_company($org_id);  
    echo $this->db->last_query();

Model Code

    public function get_activated_devices()
        $this->db->join('sitekey','sitekey.site_key = activation.site_key');
        $query =$this->db->get();
        $result = $query->result_array(); 
        return $result; 


    public function get_company($org_id)

        $this->db->join('sitekey','sitekey.org_id = company.id');
        $this->db->join('activation','sitekey.site_key = activation.site_key');
        $this->db->where('company.id IN',(implode(',',$org_id))); // see the change here
        $query =$this->db->get();
        $result = $query->result_array(); 
        return $result; 

now currently my query passes only one org_id , I want to pass all the org_id I get from my first query.

You can use where_in from active-records codeigniter


$devices =  $this->activation_m->get_activated_devices();
$org_id = array();  
foreach ($devices as $row)
 $org_id[] = $row['org_id'];           
 $companys =$this->data['devices'] = $this->activation_m->get_company($org_id);
if( $companys->num_rows() > 0 )
   echo "<pre>";
   print_r( $companys->result());
   echo "</pre>";

And for Model

public function get_company($org_ids = array())
    $this->db->join('sitekey','sitekey.org_id = company.id');
    $this->db->join('activation','sitekey.site_key = activation.site_key');
    $this->db->where_in('company.id', $org_ids );  //this is condition       
    return $this->db->get();

You can use codeigniter's $this->db->or_where() for the purpose. Just traverse the array of organization id's and apply or_where conditions.

    $this->db->join('sitekey','sitekey.org_id = company.id');
    $this->db->join('activation','sitekey.site_key = activation.site_key');
    foreach($org_id as $org)
    {    // where $org is the instance of one object of active record
    $query =$this->db->get();
    $result = $query->result_array(); 
    return $result; 

Another way to do this is to make a custom query by traversing the array like this and appending where clauses in string.

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