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Authority-check with ACTVT = 01 or 02

I need to check if ACTVT is 01 or 02, WERKS from selection screen, DIRCT – Y and VD from range A, B, C, K, R, O. The code below didn't check for this letters, in test i could select any, not only selected into lv_values as it was expected. Any advice where to look at, or may be there's another solution?

        iv_repid        = 'ZMM_LIM'
        iv_param        = 'VD'
       et_values       = lt_values.

    LOOP AT lt_values ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lf_values>).

* Проверка прав
             ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '01'
             ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '02'
             ID 'WERKS' FIELD s_werks
             ID 'DIRCT' FIELD 'Y'
             ID 'VD' FIELD <lf_values>-low

As far as I know, you can't have the same field multiple times in a single AUTHORITY-CHECK statement - you'll have to do the OR for yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if you got sy-subrc = 24 , indicating a programming error rather than a missing authority.

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