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Android Studio 1.5 with Kotlin Plugin got exception, when is in debugger mode. How to fix it?

10:57:54 AM Plugin Error: Kotlin threw an uncaught UnsupportedOperationException. Disable Plugin 10:57:54 AM UnsupportedOperationException: null

looks the Kotlin plugin got Exception when encounter the Android studio shows the java stackframe.

Update: I did update the kotlin many days ago , but the Exception still exists. (don't know the downvotes reasons)

I think maybe ext version in gradle build file still using beta version, I'll try to change the version in gradle


Actually it is associate with gradle build file , the IDE error only make me to update the IDE's plugin, not the kotlin extension itself. After change buildscript ext.kotlin_version = '1.0.0-beta-4589' , the problem gone

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This exception is fixed in Kotlin 1.0-rc. Please update your plugin and the version of Kotlin in your build.gradle.

This happened to me because I had some kind of circular dependency on an interface inside my class.

I solved it by just looking for errors in my code and fixing them.

This is a kind of tricky one because the error sounds like it is an error in the Kotlin plugin. It is likely just a coding error. So look for the red squigglies and fix them.

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