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Swift 2 - try multi-catch

I have searched around for a bit and couldn't find anything - not even a question on this site - so now I wonder whether Swift 2 supports multi-catch blocks like Java does.


try {
    someMethod(); // throws ExceptionOne, ExceptionTwo
} catch(ExceptionOne | ExceptionTwo e) {
} catch(Exception e2) {

In Swift, I wasn't able to implement a similar solution. This question explains a nice way to handle different errors of one ErrorType enum, but my requirements seem to be different as my error is initialized with a message coming from an HTTP-response. This is my enum:

enum HTTPError: ErrorType {
    case BAD_REQUEST(message: String)
    case UNAUTHORIZED(message: String)
    case NOT_FOUND
    case INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(message: String)
    case NOT_IMPLEMENTED(message: String)

    static func getErrorForStatusCode(statusCode: Int, message: String? = nil) -> HTTPError {
        switch statusCode {
        case 400:
            return HTTPError.BAD_REQUEST(message: message!)
        case 401:
            return HTTPError.UNAUTHORIZED(message: message!)
        case 404:
            return HTTPError.NOT_FOUND
        case 500:
            return HTTPError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(message: message!)
        case 501:
            return HTTPError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED(message: message!)
            return HTTPError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(message: message!)

When I want to throw an error of that enum, I use such code:

func someMethod() throws {
    HTTPError.getErrorForStatusCode(400, message: "Field X missing") // Actual values coming from HTTP-response

Now, in the calling method, I have to catch every error of the enum separately, although I want them all to do the same (except for the NOT_FOUND , but that doesn't matter here):

try {
    someMethod() // throws
} catch HTTPError.BAD_REQUEST(let message) {
    // display 'message' to user
} catch HTTPError.UNAUTHORIZED(let message) {
    // display 'message' to user
} catch HTTPError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(let message) {
    // display 'message' to user

Does Swift 2 really not contain multi-catch? Or is there another solution that would help me solve my problem?

EDIT: It seems my desired behavior isn't quite clear: I want to handle the errors of type HTTPError (except HTTPError.NOT_FOUND) in the same way, that's why I'm asking for multi-catch.

I will still implement a general catch-block to cover all errors I'm not aware about (eg timeout, nil-access, ...), but those errors that come with a backend-message should be treated specially.

Thanks, chuky

Swift 2 does support multi-catch

From the documentation

You write a pattern after catch to indicate what errors that clause can handle. If a catch clause doesn't have a pattern, the clause matches any error and binds the error to a local constant named error .

So get that error constant and use a switch statement.

do {
  try someMethod() // throws
} catch let error as HTTPError {
  switch error  {
  case .NOT_FOUND:
    print("not found")
  case let message: // handle all errors with a message

or with catch pattern

do {
  try someMethod() // throws
} catch HTTPError.NOT_FOUND {
    print("not found")
} catch let message {

which is also exhaustive because all other cases have a message.

Apart from that you – the developer – are supposed to know exactly the number of cases in the enum so you can handle them reliably.


Another solution is to add a associatedValue property inside the enum

  var associatedValue : String {
    switch self {
    case BAD_REQUEST(let value) : return value
    case UNAUTHORIZED(let value) : return value
    case INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(let value) : return value
    case NOT_IMPLEMENTED(let value) : return value
    default: return ""

and use this switch statement

do {
  try someMethod() // throws
} catch HTTPError.NOT_FOUND {
  print("not found")
} catch let error as HTTPError {
enum Error: ErrorType {
    case E1
    case E2
    case E3

func foo(e: Error) throws {
    throw e

do {
    try foo(Error.E2)
} catch Error.E1 {
    print(Error.E1) // only Error.E1
} catch {
    print("error: ", error) // all other errors
error:  E2

Swift 5.3 现在支持多模式捕获 查看提案详细信息: https : //github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0276-multi-pattern-catch-clauses.md

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