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Codeigntier/AJAX - Fatal error: Call to undefined function form_input() in

I was just successful in getting AJAX to get data from the database and have it render to a div that shows upon a button being clicked. But I get this error upon it reading the first line containing php in the view.

Here is my view file html

<div id="association-list-wrapper" class="list-wrapper">

        <?php echo form_input('filter', 'Filter by key, name, or location', array('class' => 'text-input filter', 'data-label-value' => 'Filter by key, name, or location')) ?>

        <section class="table-wrapper">

            <table id="association-list" class="filter-results">


                    <?php foreach ($associations as $association): ?>

                    <tr id="<?php echo key($association)?>" class="result-row">

                        <td class="td col1"><p id=""><?php echo $association['AssociationKey'] ?></p></td>

                        <td class="td col2"><a href="<?php echo base_url('association/'.$association['AssociationKey']) ?>"><?php echo $association['Name'].' '.$association['Title'] ?></a></td>

                        <td class="td col3"><p><?php echo $association['City'].', '.$association['State'] ?></p></td>


                    <?php endforeach ?>





Here is my JS:


        type: 'get',
        url: 'http://myapp.loc/association/pick-list',
        dataType: 'html',
        success: function (html) {

And here is my controller:

public function pick_list()
    $data['associations'] = $this->association_model->get_all_associations();

    $this->load->view('association_management/pick_list', $data);

Why won't it render the page? I tested going to the URL that triggers the controller/method and it renders just fine, but when it renders with AJAX all the php breaks.

Error occur due to this


If you load view directly like above then data from Controller are not accessible in view page. So I will suggest you to get data from controller and render on your view.

Your controller

public function pick_list()
    $associations = $this->association_model->get_all_associations();
    echo json_encode(['data'=>$associations]);


Now render your view with returned data.

Try this,if you are not getting,please ask,i wil help you

Use this instead of form_input() in view page

echo form_open('filter',  array('class' => 'text-input filter', 'data-label-value' => 'Filter by key, name, or location'));

In controller ,add this too


and one mistake in your view form associations is the array name you passed from controller. but you foreach is done $association. use $association

Give id to your form and use that id in your ajax In view

 echo form_open('filter',  array('class' => 'text-input filter', 'data-label-value' => 'Filter by key, name, or location','id'=>'myform'));

are this url right?

url: ' http://myapp.loc/association/pick-list ',

or like this?

url:' http://myapp.loc/association/pick_list ',

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