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Avoiding PostBack OnClientClick event in asp.net

I've below asp buttons in radAjax:RadAjaxPanel control which has OnClientClick event -

<radAjax:RadAjaxPanel ID="Panel" runat="server" LoadingPanelID="Loadingpanel6">
                    <b>Sort by :</b>
                    <asp:Button ID="btnMostRecent" Text="Most Recent" class="button action sortcomments"
                        runat="server" OnCommand="btnMostRecent_Click" OnClientClick="(document.getElementById('hdnSortOrder')).value='date'" CommandArgument="date" />
                    <asp:Button ID="btnMostViewed" Text="Most Viewed" class="Comments" runat="server"
                        OnCommand="btnMostViewed_Click" OnClientClick="(document.getElementById('hdnSortOrder')).value='views'" CommandArgument="views" />
<radAjax:AjaxLoadingPanel ID="Loadingpanel6" runat="server">
        <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" AlternateText="Loading" BorderWidth="0px" ImageUrl="/themes/mercolaarticle/images/loading6.gif" />

When i click on any of the button the page PostBack which i want to avoid .

FYI - Buttons are in RadAjaxPanel .

Any suggestion or help .!! Thanks in advance..:)

Return false in OnClientClick ie -

OnClientClick="(document.getElementById('hdnSortOrder')).value='views'; return false;"

Be aware that this means post back will never occur on that button.

If you return false from your client click function then postback will not happen.


 <asp:button runat="server" id="btn" OnClientClick="return myFunc();"/>

and script block is


 function myFunc()


    return false;



Just use this:

 <asp:button runat="server" id="btn" OnClientClick="myFunc(); return false;"/>

and then:


 function myFunc(){

    //Do your javascript code here




<asp:button runat="server" id="btnTest" OnClientClick="anyFunction() return false;"/>

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