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Unresolved external symbol _printf referenced in function _main

I'm a complete newbie at C programming and I was writing a program and it started throwing the below error:

error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol_printf referenced in function_main

I'm using the C compiler.

My code is shown below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int EarthWeight;    // Weight on earth

    float Mercurypercent, Venuspercent,
    Marspercent, Jupiterpercent, Saturnpercent, Neptunepercent; // wieght percents

    float Mercurywieght, Venusweight, Marsweight, Jupiterweight, Saturnweight, Neptuneweight; // wieght outputs

    Mercurypercent = 0.378; // percent values of all the planets
    Venuspercent = 0.907;
    Marspercent = 0.377;
    Jupiterpercent = 2.36;
    Saturnpercent = 0.889;
    Neptunepercent = 1.12;  

    printf("what is the Weight of the person on earth? "); // Grabs the weight on earth
    scanf("%d", &EarthWeight);

    Mercurywieght = EarthWeight * Mercurypercent;
    Venusweight = EarthWeight * Venuspercent;
    Marsweight = EarthWeight * Marspercent;
    Jupiterweight = EarthWeight * Jupiterpercent;
    Saturnweight = EarthWeight * Saturnpercent;
    Neptuneweight = EarthWeight * Neptunepercent;

    Printf("Your Weight on Earth is: %d\n", EarthWeight);
    Printf("Your Weight on Mercury is: %f\n", Mercurywieght);
    Printf("Your Weight on Venus is: %f\n", Venusweight);
    Printf("Your Weight on Mars is: %f\n", Marsweight);
    Printf("Your Weight on Jupiter is: %f\n", Jupiterweight);
    Printf("Your Weight on Saturn is: %f\n", Saturnweight);
    Printf("Your Weight on Neptune is: %f\n", Neptuneweight);

    return 0;

C is case-sensitive and you're calling Printf instead of printf .

C is also very typo-sensitive, and you have some in your questions and variable name, so beware...

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