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Object.defineProperty is not a function

I'm trying to execute JS code from ABAP and I'm getting the following error:

Object.defineProperty is not a function.

My code:

Object.defineProperty(object, sProperty, vValue)

I want to redefine the funcion to be supported, any advice?

Note that there's a nasty Chrome error bug.

This code:


..on Chrome throws:

Uncaught TypeError: Object.defineProperty(...) is not a function at :1:35

..but it should say that its the returned object of Object.defineProperty that is not a function.

For your case, it most probably mean that you are doing () (a function call) on the returned value of Object.defineProperty . And to fix it, the first return value of defineProperty must be a function, which means the first arg must be a function.

Short answer:


The answer you want:

Use a polyfill. Object.defineProperty polyfill

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