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Channel to multiple outbound-channel-adapter

I have a channel

<int:channel id="myChannel" />

for which I would like to route every message to multiple outbound channel adapters:

<int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter id="ocaOne" channel="myChannel" />
<int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter id="ocaTwo" channel="myChannel" />

My understanding is that the channel will effectively act like a queue but I want every message to goto BOTH outbound channel adapters. How can I change the channel to act like a topic?


I believe the answer is to use a PublishSubscribeChannel but I can't be sure (Source: http://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/messaging-channels-section.html )

Consider to use PublishSubscribeChannel ( <publish-subscribe-channel> ) instead:

The PublishSubscribeChannel implementation broadcasts any Message sent to it to all of its subscribed handlers.

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