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Secure Form insert in database php

I've been reading a lot about how to safely process inputs taken from a form and insert them in a database, but its not clear for me if I'm doing it correctly yet. I'm trying to avoid all posible threats, including SQL injection and I'm uploading a file (image) directly into the database. I was wondering if anyone could help me out taking a look at my code. I'm using adodb active record to connect with my database, and php.

    function insertar($post){           
        try {
            $solicitud = new solicitud();
            $solicitud->nombre = revisarInputTexto($post['nombre']." ".$post['apellido1']." ".$post['apellido2']);
            $solicitud->residencia = revisarInputTexto($post['residencia']);
            $solicitud->correo = revisarInputEmail($post['correo']);
            $solicitud->genero = revisarInputTexto($post['genero']);
            $solicitud->gradoacademicomaximo = revisarInputTexto($post['gradoacademico']);
            $solicitud->experienciaprofesional = revisarInputTexto($post['experienciaprofesional']);
            $solicitud->experienciadocente = revisarInputTexto($post['experienciadocente']);
            $solicitud->unidadacademica = revisarInputTexto($post['unidad']);

                $solicitud->laboradoucr = true;
                $solicitud->laboradoucr = false;

            $solicitud->telefonos = revisarInputInt($post['telefono1'])."/".revisarInputInt($post['telefono2'])."/".revisarInputInt($post['telefono3']);
            $solicitud->nacimiento = revisarInputInt($post['anno']);

            $tmpName  = $_FILES['cedula']['tmp_name'];
            $size = $_FILES['cedula']['size'];

            if(getimagesize($tmpName) && $size < 2048000){
                $fp      = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
                $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName));
                $content = addslashes($content);
                $solicitud->fotoidentificacion = $content;
                return false;

        } catch (ErrorException $e) {               
            return false;
        return true;

    function obtenerUnidades(){
        $unidades = new unidadacademica();
        $arreglo = $unidades->Find("1=1");
        return $arreglo;

    function revisarInputTexto($datos){
        $datos = trim($datos);
        $datos = filter_var($datos, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        return $datos;

    function revisarInputEmail($datos){
        $datos = trim($datos);
        $datos = filter_var($datos, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
        return $datos;

    function revisarInputInt($datos){
        $datos = trim($datos);
        $datos = filter_var($datos, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
        return $datos;

    // Controlador
    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['accion'])){
            if (insertar($_POST)){
        $unidades = obtenerUnidades();
        $smarty->assign('unidades', $unidades);

The Form I'm using is pretty standard, I established the fields I wanted as required and that's pretty much it.

The "controller" does some checking and then calls the method "insertar", where I create the active record object to insert in the database after processing the post inputs.

If the method you're using to perform the actual database queries prevents SQL injection, then you don't need to sanitize the input. There's no harm in it, but it's redundant.

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