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Embedded Derby in Java web application


hello! I am creating a dynamic web project using eclipse and using embedded derby database. Below is the code that i am using to connect/create embedded derby database.

private boolean connect() throws Exception{
        String dbURL = "jdbc:derby:codejava/webdb;create=true";
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);
        if (conn != null) {
            return true;
            return false;

Problem :

When i run the code first time it creates the database but when i check the application folder in webapps folder in tomcat , i found no database folder. Tomcat folder is in my C:/ Directory and searching the C:/ directory i found the database folder in my eclipse folder because that's where i start my IDE from if i am not wrong.

Question :

How can i create the database folder inside my application folder in tomcat/webapps folder?

If you use this format

 <property name="url" value="jdbc:derby:d:/DBDIR;create=true"/>

you can specify where you want your DB to be.

So I guess that in your case the DB has ended up somewhere relative to codejava/webdb

Since the eclipse IDE is running Tomcat and derby is run by tomcat it's not inside webapps.

This might help you


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