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installing composer on centos

I'm trying to install composer on my server (centos) but I keep getting this error : The phar extension is missing. Install it or recompile php without --disable-phar ps:I am trying to install composer to work with laravel

Specifically for CentOS

Edit the file /etc/php.d/20-phar.ini and remove the ; character in front of the line:


Now the phar extension is enabled.

Composer is provided as a phar as that extension is a standard part of PHP 5.3 which is also the minimum required version for running Composer at all.

If you have a weird version of PHP 5.3+ without the phar extension you could also convert it to a zipball or tarball via online tools , unpack it to /usr/local/share/composer , and then symlink manually from /usr/local/bin/composer to /usr/local/share/composer/bin/composer . Assuming no other settings are preventing installation that should work as well.

PHAR is part of the PHP core since some years now. Its already installed as dynamic/shared extension, but probably and simply not activated in your case

Please check your php extension folder for a file "phar.so".

To enable the extension:

  1. Go to your php.ini and enable extension = phar.so
  2. Check the loaded PHP Extensions with php -m and look for "Phar"
  3. Then re-run the Composer install

First, you need to get composer.phar by doing :

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

And move the composer.phar for using globally :

mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

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