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“there is no package called” error during installation of sjPlot

library("sjPlot", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.2")
Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) : 
there is no package called ‘pbkrtest’
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘sjPlot’
> sjp.lmer(fitted2, type = "fe")
Error: could not find function "sjp.lmer"

I have installed the package, so does anyone know why this is giving me this error message above after I enter the following code? Thanks

sjp.lmer(fitted2, type = "fe")

似乎缺少软件包pbkrtest ,这是sjPlot使用的某些软件包的依赖

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