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NTLM authentification is not working in Apache/PHP

So, what's the story

I want to enable NTLM auth in Apache and already installed ntlm library (mod_auth_ntlm), installed necessary VS redistributable and placed following strings to httpd.conf

LoadModule auth_ntlm_module modules/mod_authn_ntlm.so

<Location /test >
     AuthType NTLM
     NTLMAuth on
     NTLMAuthoritative on
     NTLMOfferBasic off
            Require valid-user

Starting phpinfo - and there is no variables like REMOTE_USER, but ntlm library is successfully loaded

Any folder on web-server is accessible except /test folder - it just returns error 500 Apache error.log has following strings:

[Wed Feb 24 14:54:46.231132 2016] [authn_core:error] [pid 668:tid 1776] [client] AH01796: AuthType NTLM configured without corresponding module

So, what's the catch? Any other possibilities?

Solution found!

Still, it's not NTLM library, but SSPI (mod-authn-sspi)

  1. Download correct version of SSPI library (in case of Apache 2.4 it should be mod_authnz_sspi)

  2. Unzip and put .so file into Apache /modules directory

  3. Edit httpd.conf

LoadModule authnz_sspi_module modules/mod_authnz_sspi.so <Directory "/test"> AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all AuthType SSPI SSPIAuth On SSPIAuthoritative On SSPIDomain KL Require valid-user </Directory>

  1. Create directory /test in your www folder (/test is just exemplary folder) and place following .htaccess file

AuthName "authoriz" AuthType SSPI SSPIAuth On SSPIAuthoritative On require valid-user

Of course, you can change AuthName

  1. Try following php code in the /test directory

<?php $cred = explode('\\\\',$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); if (count($cred) == 1) array_unshift($cred, "(no domain info - perhaps SSPIOmitDomain is On)"); list($domain, $user) = $cred; echo "You appear to be user <B>$user</B><BR/>"; echo "logged into the Windows NT domain <B>$domain</B>"; ?>

Should work!

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