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Use Mergetool in JGit

I want to resolve a merge conflict using a specific mergetool in JGit. On the commandline you would simply do

git mergetool

But I haven't found any way to do this in JGit. Is this functionality supported by JGit? So far I haven't found any questions or bugreports about this. No one seems to be missing this functionality.


JGit is a Java-only implementation of Git. If git mergetool was supported, the various native mergetools would need to be included, for each platform on which JGit is possibly executed. I think this is the reason why this is not implemented.

In addition, EGit - probably the primary JGit consumer - uses the Eclipse Compare Editor to resolve conflicts and thus has no need for a mergetool, AFAIK.

Here is a discussion about adding mergetool support to EGit: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=356832

If you think this should be implemented in JGit, please file an enhancement request

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