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Using .where condition for results greater than an integer

Trying to do something pretty straightforward in a Rails controller. Right now, I am showing a user all results matching their user_id from a Scoreboard table.

I now want to adjust that to show results from their user_id but also only scores greater than the integer 0. So I changed my controller to:

def index
    @scoreboards = Scoreboard.where(user_id: current_user.id, "score >= 0").order(score: :desc)

This receives a syntax error, so my comparison in the .where is probably wrong. How should I add this second condition?

I would try this:

@scoreboards = Scoreboard.where(user_id: current_user.id)
  .where("category >= 0").order(score: :desc)

I try to avoid putting these kind of database operations directly in the controller, because the model is the more appropriate place. I'd write three scopes in the model:

class Scoreboard < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :for_user_id, ->(user_id) { where(user_id: user_id) }
  scope :with_scores, -> { where('score > 0') }
  scope :by_descending_score, -> { order(score: :desc) }

...then in the controller, you'd merely write this:


This keeps your controller thinner (and more readable) while potentially supporting re-use of these lookups in the most atomic fashion and keeping the database logic wholly contained in the model.

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