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Nginx - redirect specific requests on root folder to subdomain

I currently have an hosting website that previously hosted images locally. Before the current system, image links were referenced from the root folder



We have since moved to AWS S3 storage and in order to direct legacy image requests to S3, we added the following to our nginx conf file.

location ~* ^/.*\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg) {
        rewrite ^/(.*)$ "$scheme://i.example.com/$1" permanent;

However this captures all image files on the domain.

Is there a way to only redirect requests for image requests on the root domain and ignore other folders?

For example, users avatars are stored locally in


These get redirected to the subdomain due to the regex.

I also attempted this with the S3 proxy_pass. However results were the same.

Thanks for your help

To select only image files in the top level directory, you should replace the .* element of your regex with something that does not match / . Such as:

location ~* ^/[^/]*\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)$ {
    return 301 $scheme://i.example.com/$request_uri;

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