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How to dynamically accumulate checkbox values in a SQL query

I have a search form where users can choose a few checkboxes, set a date range, use a wildcard search etc. and via button click it gets sent via ajax to a PHP file and executed in a MySQL query.

In the php file I set up a cascade of if-statements to ensure the query works regardless of the user having chosen certain values, fe like this:

// variable from a risk level dropdown menu
if ($_POST['risklevelcount']=="") {
    $risklevel = "MASTER.RISK_LEVEL != ''";

else {
    $risklevel = "MASTER.RISK_LEVEL = "' . $risklevelcount . "'";

the variables then are implemented in the where clause of the mysql query, which looks like this:

$result = mysql_query("
        (( ". $buttonvalue ." ) AND ( ". $date . " ) AND ( ". $risklevel ." ))

To ensure the query gets executed regardless of the user having checked a checkbox, I analoguously implemented them in a if-clause like this:

    $checkbox1 = "MASTER_CHECK like '%dog%'"; 
else $checkbox1 = "MASTER.CHECK = '' OR MASTER.CHECK != ''";

    $checkbox2 = "MASTER_CHECK like '%cat%'"; 
else $checkbox2 = "MASTER.CHECK = '' OR MASTER.CHECK != ''";

    $checkbox3 = "MASTER_CHECK like '%bird%'"; 
else $checkbox3 = "MASTER.CHECK = '' OR MASTER.CHECK != ''";

If I add these to the above MySQL query where clause I obviously won't get the results I want:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT *
            ( ". $buttonvalue ." ) AND ( ". $date . " ) AND (". risklevel .") AND
                    (". $checkbox1.") OR (". $checkbox2.") OR (". $checkbox3.")

I won't get for example results for 'dog' AND 'cat' but not 'bird' (= checkbox 1 and 2 checked but not 3).

I know this is a really stupid approach from the start, regardless of the checkboxes. I sadly don't know how to do any better yet. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be very glad. I think there is a much more smart way to do it, fe with arrays? I just really lack a real basis knowledge!

I suppose you have a form like this one :

<form id="myFormId" method="POST" action="index.php">
        <label for="level">Level :</label>
        <select name="risklevelcount">
            <option value="">-- all level --</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <option value="3">3</option>
        <label>Any Pet ?</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="pet[]" value="dog">dog
        <input type="checkbox" name="pet[]" value="cat">cat
        <input type="checkbox" name="pet[]" value="bird">bird
    <input type="submit" value="submit">

Here is what I recommend for PHP part :

$strWhere = '1=1';

if(true === isset($_POST['risklevelcount']) && true === is_numeric($_POST['risklevelcount']))
    $strWhere = ' AND MATER.RISK_LEVEL = '.mysql_escape_string($_POST['risklevelcount']);

if(true === isset($_POST['pet']) && 0 < sizeof($_POST['pet']))
    $strWhere .= 'AND (';
    foreach($_POST['pet'] as $pet)
        $strWhere .= ' MASTER_CHECK like "%'.mysql_escape_string($pet).'%" OR ';
    //remove last OR
    $strWhere = substring($strWhere, 0, -3);
    $strWhere .= ')';

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM MASTER WHERE ".$strWhere);

I agree with mate, use mysqli or PDO is better, at least escape strings. Moreover, stop saying in your queries MASTER.RISK_LEVEL != '' or worst MASTER.CHECK = '' OR MASTER.CHECK != '' .

In the first case, I supposed risk_level is always defined. So no need to say risk_level != '' . And in the second case, Its useless to say I want string null or not null. Just dont ask and you 'll have all results.


If you check the form at the beginning of my answer, I've add an ID which is myFormId . So with jQuery, if you want to serialize your form data, just do :


var formData = $('#myFormId').serialize();

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