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How to make emacs configurable for julia-lang

I want to use emacs for julia language. Let me explain myself. First of all, I'm using OsX Yosemite. As you know, when you write a python function, emacs will highlight python-specific syntax for you automatically. Similarly, I want from emacs to do it for julia programming language. For this, I've follow the written steps in this github repo.

1) First of all, I've clone that repository into my mac, (Under ~/myLaptop/Documents/ESS

2) I made cd into cloned git directory( Documents/ESS ) and run make all

3) now at this point, in the github repository, it is said that

Load ess-site.el in your .emacs and, unless your julia (julia-basic for older versions) is already in exec path, set inferior-ess-julia-program-name to point to julia executable:

(load "path/to/ESS/git/lisp/ess-site")

I could not understand this part. Now what should I do ? this is view of my .emacs.d directory

xxxs-MacBook-Air:.emacs.d xxx$ ls
xxxs-MacBook-Air:.emacs.d xxx$

this is the ESS directory :

xxxs-MacBook-Air:ESS xxx$ ls
ANNOUNCE        NEWS            VERSION         install-sh
COPYING         ONEWS           debian          lisp
ChangeLog       OONEWS          doc         mkinstalldirs
LDA         README          ess-autoloads.el    rsn.txt
Makeconf        README.md       etc         test
Makefile        RPM.spec.in     fontlock-test
xxxs-MacBook-Air:ESS xxx$

Lastly, here is my emacs version

xxxs-MacBook-Air:~ xxx$ emacs -version
GNU Emacs 24.5.1
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You may redistribute copies of Emacs
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

This is the first time I'll use emacs and therefore please explain me like I'm emacs dummy. Thanks in advance, I hope I provice all the required information.

The 3rd point is telling you to add that code to your init file . This is like juliarc or vimrc on which you want to tell the program (Emacs, in this case) what to execute every time it opens.

The set inferior-ess-julia-program-name stuff will be needed in case the julia command is not in your path.

How do you know if it's not in your path? Try:

xxxs-MacBook-Air:~ xxx$ which julia

If that returns an error, and, let's say, you have the julia binary at /home/user/stuff/julia/bin/julia then you have to edit your init file and add:

  '(inferior-ess-julia-program-name "/home/user/stuff/julia/bin/julia"))

IIRC, you can also run Mx customize-variable RET inferior-ess-julia-program-name
(btw, I use ~/.emacs.d/init.el as my init file)

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