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Certificate errors after changing docker location on windows

I've moved my docker location from my C:\\ drive to another drive. I did this initially by removing the docker machine (docker-machine rm) and creating a new one ($ docker-machine --storage-path "D:\\users\\me\\.docker\\machine" create --driver virtualbox default).

I also set the environment variable MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH="D:\\users\\me\\.docker\\machine" which was needed to get docker to see the newly created machine.

Now when I run, for example, docker images, I get the following error:

Could not read CA certificate "C:\\Users\\me\\.docker\\machine\\machines\\default\\ca.pem": open C:\\Users\\me.docker\\machine\\machines\\default\\ca.pem: The system cannot find the path specified.

As you can see docker is looking in the old location for the pem file.

I'm on windows 7 VirtualBox Version 5.0.14 r105127 Docker version 1.10.1, build 9e83765

Setting DOCKER_CERT_PATH to the location of ca.pem fixed it for me:

export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=D:\\\\users\\\\me\\\\.docker\\\\machine\\\\machines\\\\default

(This is from the docker bash shell)

Copy certificates from "..\\.docker\\machine\\certs"

Paste certificates to "..\\.docker\\machine\\machines\\default"

If you have created new machine lets say "dev" then copy to "..\\.docker\\machine\\machines\\dev"

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