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Add SSL Certificate to Windows Docker Container

How can I add a .cer -Certificate inside a Docker container? It has to be done via powershell since the container has no interface to open mms.exe .

This is a good tutorial for .pfx -Certificates. Since I have a .cer -file without private key, I have to adapt it slightly. The powershell command from the documentation Import-Certificate -FilePath C:\\myCertificateToAdd.cert -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\CurrentUser\\Root\\ gets stuck whenever called.

The problem does not appear when importing to the LocalMachine folder:

Import-Certificate -FilePath C:\\myCertificateToAdd.cert -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\LocalMachine\\Root\\

Like this, the certificate is importet to every "CurrentUser" on the machine. If this is ok, as for the typical DockerContainer, the problem is solved.

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