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Pass data from angular form to another controller

I am new to angularjs. I want to pass data from html form to another route.

Here is the part of index.html

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="HomeController">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <div ng-view=""></div>

Here are the routes

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute']);
myApp.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
   $routeProvider.when('/', {
   templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
   controller: 'HomeController'
$routeProvider.when('/about', {
  templateUrl: 'views/about.html',
  controller: 'AboutController'

When the route is / it hits the views/home.html in which it has a form

<form action="#/about" ng-submit="submitData()">
    <input type="text" name="address" ng-model="user.address" />
    <input type="submit" />

I have a user service whose implementation is

myApp.factory("user", function () {
     return {};

I inject user service in HomeController like

 myApp.controller("HomeController", function ($scope, user) {
          $scope.user = user;
          // and then set values on the object

          // $scope.user.address = "1, Mars";    // when uncomment this line it can be accessed on AboutController? Why? Otherwise I cannot access user.address

Don note my comment in above code..

and passes user to AboutController like

myApp.controller("AboutController", function ($scope, user) {
    $scope.user = user;
    // and then set values on the object
    $scope.user.firstname = "John";
    $scope.user.secondname = "Smith";

Here is the about.html

    {{ user.address }}

Problem: {{user.address}} doesn't work on AboutController . I can't see any output... But when i remove the comment from above code.. It only displays hardcoded values in the controller What am I missing?

This is the working demo http://ashoo.com.au/angular/#/

At the moment, all your service does is pass a blank object return {} , to any controller into which it is injected. You need a getter/setter approach, so that in your Home view you can set the data, and in your About view you can retrieve it.

So your service could look something like this:

myApp.factory("user", function () {

     var dataObj = {};

     return {
            setData: function(data) {
               dataObj.username = data.username;
            getData: function() {
               return dataObj;

Now you can set the data in your Home controller:

myApp.controller("HomeController", function ($scope, user) {

    $scope.submitData = function(data)  {  //pass in ng-model
       user.setData(data);  //call 'user' service to set data

And call it from your About controller:

myApp.controller("AboutController", function ($scope, user) {
    $scope.user = user.getData();  //Assign 

And you html would look like:

<form action="#/about" ng-submit="submitData(user.username)">
    <input type="text" name="address" ng-model="user.username" />
    <input type="submit" />

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